Puis-je donner?
- L’abc de l’admissibilité
- Personnes trans et de diverses identités de genre
Sélection basée sur les pratiques sexuelles
Recherche HARSAH
- ACN et HARSAH ne constituent pas un oxymoron : importance des personnes africaines, caribéennes et noires dans les études sur le don de sang et les hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes
- Comprendre l’acceptabilité
- Création involontaire de préjugés lors de la sélection des donneurs
- Mathematical models of risk - plasma
- Modélisation mathématique : comparaison des risques de transmission du VIH en fonction de différentes politiques d’admissibilité au don de sang des HARSAH
- Portée opérationnelle des options d’évaluation du risque
- Évaluation de l’acceptabilité et de la faisabilité d’un programme de don de plasma-source pour les HARSAH de la communauté gaie de Montréal
Recherche HARSAH
- Paludisme
- Du nouveau sur les critères d’admissibilité
- Don de sang
- Horaires des collectes
- Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Don de plaquettes
- Le sang et la diversité
Programme de reconnaissance
- 101.5 The Hawk Radio
- Aaron Barlow
- Abdelsalam Abugharara
- Adrienne Charlie
- Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association
- Alan Han
- Alan and Alec Roy
- Americo Silva
- Andrew Gordey
- Andrew Phung
- André Picard
- Ann Radelet
- Barb Caves
- Ben Wickstrom
- Boulet family
- Brad Norris
- Brady Griffin Hefford
- Bruce Laing
- Calvin Matchett
- Canadian Federation of Medical Students
- Canadian Transplant Association
- Cara Michelle Siu
- Carrie Vaughan
- Chan Lu
- Charlottetown donor centre
- Cheryl’s Run
- Christine and Ryder Robinson
- Clay Corney
- Colleen MacKay
- Cori-Jo Heggie
- Danielle Babin
- David G. Preston
- Deb Chalmers
- Deborah Skaey
- Dorothy 'Dottie' North
- Dr Shaf Keshavjee
- Dr. Donna Wall, MD, CCPE
- Dr. Gershon Growe
- Dr. Harold Atkins
- Dr. Heather Hume
- Dr. Shelly Sarwal and Randy Tresidder
- Dustin Widross
- Edward Byers
- Elaine O’Keefe
- Emily Phillipos
- Erin Isfeld
- Francisco Rico-Garcia
- Fred Van Arragon
- Freda Smit-McKie
- Garry McCracken
- Genoa Design
- Gilles Delage
- Gina Parker
- Global Okanagan (part of Corus Entertainment)
- Glyn Weir
- Gordon Somerville
- Grand River Hospital
- Gregg Dalling
- Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency
- Heather Badenoch
- Hedy Halpern
- Heidi Staddon
- Heydan Morrison and family
- Hockey Gives Blood (Stu and Amy Middleton)
- Ian Harrop
- Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ)
- Ilan Shapiro
- J.P. Martinello
- Jason Krause
- Jenna Hauck
- Jennifer McNalley
- Jennifer Seo
- Jerry Glubisz
- Jessica Thomas
- Jim and Barb Urquhart
- John Cunningham
- John and Drenise Cowlard
- Kaitlyn Paltzat
- Karanvir Gill
- Karli Schon
- Kate Potts
- Kathy M. Austin
- Kelly Easter
- Ken Kennedy
- Kevin Duong
- Kevin Pelehos
- Kin Canada
- Kryssandra Samut
- Kyle Rostad
- Lana Sinclair
- Laura Todd
- Layne Marshal
- Lethbridge College
- Liset et Daniel Stanton
- Luke Hall
- Manal Assaf
- Marianne Whittaker
- McCain Foods Canada
- Mel Krajden
- Melanie Melchin
- Melissa Deleary
- Michael T. Hayes
- Michelle Dunn
- Mohamed Alibhai
- Mohammad Harb
- Nathan Doupnik
- Neill Spencer
- Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache Club
- Nicole Lagioia
- Nina Graham
- Norman Kneteman
- Ottawa Stem Cell
- Pacesetter Homes and Qualico
- Palmo Carpino
- Parmeet Kahlon
- Paul Chu
- Pavneet Sandhu
- Peacock Sheridan Group
- Quinn Bleakley
- Rakesh Kumar
- Razia Seman
- Rebecca Schofield | Posthumous
- Ric Suggitt
- Richard Gerow
- Riley Mackay
- Robert Sanford
- Rosemary Tremblay
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Samantha Leung
- SaskPower
- Science North
- Service de police de Vancouver
- Sikh Nation
- Stacey LaCroix-Sauvé
- Stephen Gregg
- Stephen Zaluski
- Steve Richardson
- Susan Cebulak
- Susan Nguyen
- Sylvia Chang
- Tania Grim
- The Bulger family
- Tom Henley
- Toyota Canada et ses concessionnaires
- Tzeachten First Nation
- WalterFedy
- York Regional Police
- Wilfrid Laurier University
- Services d’interprétation en langue des signes pour les personnes sourdes et malentendantes
Puis-je donner?
- Plasma
- Cellules souches
- Organes et tissus
Façons de donner
- Dons en argent
Partenaires pour la vie
- Rejoignez Partenaires pour la vie
- À propos de Partenaires pour la vie
Des partenaires dans tout le Canada
- Toyota
- Accenture
- Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA)
- Canada-Vie
- Canadian Federation of Medical Students
- Canadian Ismaili Muslim Community
- Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science (CSMLS)
- Department of National Defence - Canadian Forces Health Services
- Mise au jeu pour le sang
- Kin Canada
- Kind
- L’association d'anémie falciforme du Canada
- Nepalese Blood Donors Association Canada
- Sikh Nation
- Lifemark
- Sant Nirankari Mission
- Smart & Biggar
- Stewart McKelvey
- Tangerine
- The Leukemia Lymphoma Society of Canada
- Vogue Optical
- Westcan Bulk
- Felix Y. Manalo Foundation, Inc.
- Wood
Infolettre de Partenaires pour la vie
Info-partenaires mars 2021
- 100 dons de sang à la mémoire de l’amour de sa vie
- Canada Vie s’investit dans les campagnes nationales de recrutement de donneurs
- Comment un nouveau-né peut sauver une vie
- Des donneurs de sang à l’étranger rendent hommage à un Néo-Écossais
- Faire œuvre utile à sa façon
- Inspirez à d’autres l’envie de s’inscrire comme donneurs d’organes et de tissus.
- La Société canadienne du sang célèbre avec fierté plus de 40 ans de partenariat avec la communauté musulmane Ahmadiyya.
- Le registre de donneurs de cellules souches est souligné à l’émission Breakfast Television
Info-partenaires — août 2022
- Admissibilité au don de sang pour les hommes gais, bisexuels et autres HARSAH
- BAPS Charities, a new national partner with Canadian Blood Services, is working to save lives through their “In the Joy of Others” campaign
- Freelandt Caldwell Reilly LLP célèbre son premier anniversaire en tant que Partenaire
- L’école de soufisme islamique M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi®, un organisme au service de la communauté
- One company’s dedication to Canada’s Lifeline is paying off for patients across the country
- RBC donne un bon coup de pouce au don de plasma
- Two Moncton jiu-jitsu teams host “Blood Off the Mats” blood donation event to support patients
Info-partenaires — janvier 2022
- Canadian Blood Services’ annual report available now
- Des Partenaires qui comptent! Une petite entreprise réalise de gros gains en investissant dans les dons de sang.
- En Colombie-Britannique, une mère appelle au don en mémoire de sa fille
- Intensification de la collecte de plasma pour mieux répondre aux besoins des Canadiens
- La Société canadienne du sang accueille son premier partenaire 2021 du Canada Atlantique, Athletics NorthEAST
- Le programme Partenaires pour la vie relie des employés de tout le pays
- The Niagara Malayalee Association
- Un don en argent de la Fondation KPMG aide à financer la recherche et l’innovation sur le plasma
Info-partenaires — janvier 2023
- Des tests de la ferritine pour prévenir l’anémie chez les donneurs
- Don de cellules souches et de sang : les Elks d’Edmonton et Mike Beaudry font équipe et sauvent des vies
- Donnez 3 en 2023 pour faire toute la différence
- Ensemble, employés et clients d’Orkin Canada aident à sauver des vies
- La clé pour sauver des vies cet hiver, c’est vous!
- La station MOVE 98.3 de Kingston, une partenaire qui se fait entendre
- Luce Lepage, une partenaire qui a à cœur de promouvoir le don de plasma
- Partenaires pour la vie : Be Bloody Positive se bouge pour donner
- Une équipe d’employés d’EV Logistics contribue à la collectivité grâce au don de sang
Info-partenaires — janvier 2024
- CAA Niagara: saving lives monthly
- De champion de course automobile à champion de Partenaires pour la vie
- Des étudiantes en soins infirmiers offrent un bel exemple à suivre
- Du cœur au ventre : l’histoire de Dylan Kalambay
- Inspiré par sa fille, un père rejoint la chaîne de vie du Canada
- La force positive des réseaux sociaux
- Nous sommes là pour vous aider à bien démarrer l’année
- Une collecte de sang couronnée de succès pour CCRM
- Une nouvelle plateforme en ligne facilite la collecte de fonds
- Partner eNews April 2020
Partner eNews August 2020
- Beeton, Ontario school keeps up four-year streak of committed blood donation, despite COVID-19
- Fiesta Filipino in Calgary shows that generosity is part of the Filipino heritage
- Gifts of advertising space help boost local recruitment during the COVID-19 pandemic
Partner eNews January 2018
- A Recipient Becomes a Champion.
- Baby it’s Cold Outside!
- Interior Savings in Kelowna, BC Celebrates their Day of Difference with a Group Blood Donation.
Partner eNews April 2018
- 2018 Calgary Corporate Challenge
- BC kicked off Hockey Month in February!
- Cancer Survivor and firefighter encourages Sirens For Life blood drive in Saint John, NB.
- How a first-time donor becomes a Champion... it’s okay to be afraid to take the first step!
- National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week from April 23 –29
- Partner eNews October 2017
- Partners For Life Champion knows the importance of blood donation in Red Deer, AB.
- RE/MAX Jazz in Oshawa, ON joins the Canadian Blood Services Family
- Wealth management advisor in BC becomes an advocate for blood donation.
- Sobeys in Charlottetown, PEI Believes Blood Donation is Part of Being a Good Corporate Citizen.
- The Grand River Hospital in Kitchener, Ontario support their Staff in Living their Values.
- The Ledcor Group of Companies in Edmonton Alberta Collects 117% of their Target.
- Joins Canadian Blood Services as a New Partner to Support Donor Health
- Plasma’s latest superpower could offer a much-needed treatment to COVID-19 patients
- Preparations underway to boost plasma collections to meet patient needs
- Runner and active mom from Surrey, BC, celebrates the blood donors who saved her life
- Staff at RBC Moncton are still finding reasons to give
- Stem cells save lives, but finding a match can take a community — sometimes a global one
- Together, we will get through this
Partner eNews December 2020
- Annual Thanksgiving drive in memory of an Ontario physician
- From street to screen: How one proud partner took its annual fundraising event virtual, to support patients during COVID-19
- Halifax Regional Fire and Emergency
- Music to our ears!
- Professional hockey players team up to inspire stem cell registration
- Rotary clubs roll up their sleeves to support donor centres
- To honour Remembrance Day, this master corporal suggests donating blood
Partner eNews January 2019
- Build your corporate culture of giving
- Change to donor identification at the donor centre
- Cops for Cancer take support to the next level
- Erik Gudbranson, defenseman for the Vancouver Canucks and Hockey Gives Blood team up to promote stem cell donation
- It was a November to Remember for Hamilton Police Services
- National #Partnersforlife January 2019
- Nova Scotia High School rallies to support New Glasgow donor centre
- Sikh Nation supports blood donation with volunteers and donors
- The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) 2018 RIDE Campaign partners with Canadian Blood Services in Eastern Ontario
- This winter #JoinTheLifeline: register as a stem cell donor
Partner eNews January 2020
- Blood Donation by Sikh Nation
- Celebrating the 20th anniversary of our partnership with Sikh Nation
- Donors and recipients celebrated World Kindness Day coast-to-coast
- First Responders in Niagara roll up their sleeves to save lives!
- Meeting patient needs: securing Canada’s plasma supply
- National Monthly Lifeline Partners #partnersforlife
- Sirens for Life in PEI
- Vancouver physiotherapist looks to “amplify his impact” in honour of his late mother
Partner eNews July 2018
- A tragic accident is the beginning of a new organization
- Blood, sweat and cheers
- Mothers helping patients while giving birth to new life
- Our new collection site in Toronto welcomes new partners
- Thanks to you #MissingType was an amazing success!
- The 2019 Canada Winter Games host society gives back
- The Nova Scotia HOG chapter rolls into Halifax to give life
Partner eNews July 2019
- A recipient and her father become blood donor champions!
- Empire Life adopt donor centre in Kingston, Ontario in honour of one of their own
- National #Partnersforlife July 2019
- Sirens for Life – Emergency Personnel Roll Up their Sleeves to Kick Off Annual Recruitment Event
- Team CIBC celebrates National Blood Donor Week by donating in more ways than one
- The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Sciences adopts the PEI donor centre in April for Lab Week
- Together Taber Saves Lives
Partner eNews October 2018
- Brian Jessel BMW dealership in Burnaby opens their showroom floor to host mobile donor centre
- Church of Christ in Calgary adopt holiday Mondays to help with urgent need.
- KinCanada wins the National Partnership Award at National Honouring our Lifeblood event in Ottawa.
- Mississauga, Ontario activates its Sirens for Life to help hospital patients in need.
- Monthly National #Partnersforlife October 2018
- Partners across Canada come together to support World Marrow Donor Day
- The Newfoundland & Labrador Beard & Moustache MerB’ys fish for donors in St. John’s.
Partner eNews October 2019
- Destination Toyota in BC is your destination for donating blood.
- Financial gift helps prevent seasonal slump in blood donations
- Meet Alexa - NextGen Lifeline volunteer and former cancer patient
- National monthly lifeline partners #partnersforlife
- Newfoundland and Labrador welcomes Genoa Design International
- Over 125 newcomers unite in Windsor to donate blood
- The Brick Distribution centre in Winnipeg rallies to join Canada’s Lifeline
Info-partenaires mars 2021
- Bénévole pour la vie
- Anémie falciforme et don de sang
- Diversité ethnique et don de cellules souches
- Démystification du don de sang
- Importance de la diversité ethnique
À notre sujet
- Notre organisation
- Notre impact
- Façons de donner
- Nous joindre
- Rapports et publications
- Politiques
- COVID-19 : information pour les professionnels de la santé
- Notre engagement envers le développement durable
- Service à la clientèle hospitalière
- Hospital Services Forms
- Services d’analyses
- Produits
- Commandes de produits
Ressources pour les médias
Salle de presse
- #TogetherApart to give blood in St. John’s
- 10 Things to consider when planning a successful staycation
- 17,000 Volunteers are Partners in Saving Lives
- 17,000 reasons to say thank you
- 1 000 chaînes de vie : le Programme de don croisé de rein de la Société canadienne du sang franchit le cap des 1 000 greffes.
- 25 ans après la commission Krever, notre engagement envers les patients reste intact
- Administrateurs recherchés
- Amelia
- An act of love inspires Ally Blood Donor clinics
- Assembly of First Nations Passes Resolution Encouraging Aboriginal People to Become Potential Stem Cell Donors
- Baisse de fréquentation des centres de donneurs de sang et de plasma : plus de 150 000 rendez-vous doivent être attribués cet été
- Banking of cord blood for transplant temporarily suspended
- Beaucoup trop de donneurs de cellules souches potentiels refusent d’aider les patients le temps venu
- Blood Donors Provide Proof that Miracles Still Exist
- Blood donation waiting period for men who have sex with men reduced to one year
- Blueprint for a National, Integrated Organs and Tissues System Released
- Brock
- Building New Hope for Patients
- Cameron
- Canada’s Lifeline in Need of Support to Save Lives During the Season of Giving
- Canada’s Living Donor Paired Exchange Kidney Registry Hits the Century Mark
- Canadian Blood Services Celebrates National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week
- Canadian Blood Services Issues Rallying Cry to Canadians
- Canadian Blood Services Recall Notice
- Canadian Blood Services Releases A Report to Canadians 2011/2012: The Bigger Picture
- Canadian Blood Services Releases A Report to Canadians 2012/2013: Aligning Our Goals
- Canadian Blood Services Voluntarily Recalls Blood Products from Regina-area clinics
- Canadian Blood Services announces closure of Thunder Bay Plasma Centre
- Canadian Blood Services does not, and will not, pay donors
- Canadian Blood Services launches refreshed strategic approach
- Canadian Blood Services lends a helping hand to Hema Quebec as a partner in health care this holiday season
- Canadian Blood Services mourns passing of friend and colleague
- Canadian Blood Services needs blood donors now
- Canadian Blood Services reduces restrictions for blood donation
- Canadian Blood Services seeks to update blood donor eligibility through latest Health Canada submission
- Canadian Blood Services thanks the 17,000 Volunteers who selflessly dedicated 225,000 hours to help save lives
- Canadian Blood Services to Expand Deferral Policy for vCJD
- Canadian Blood Services will implement a two-site National Contact Centre
- Canadian Blood Services’ CEO Dr. Graham Sher has been named chair of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
- Canadian High School Students Rally to Deliver Gifts to Hospital Patients
- Changement historique pour le don de sang et de plasma : le critère d’admissibilité concernant la « maladie de la vache folle » est aboli
- Chiefs Adopt Resolution to Support First Nations OneMatch Stem Cell and Marrow Network
- Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro for Canada’s New National Public Cord Blood Bank
- Clinics scheduled in Calgary and Lethbridge this weekend cancelled due to flooding
- Diffusion de Her Last Project (Son dernier projet) sur CBC, le 15 octobre
- Donner du sang pendant la pandémie de COVID-19, c’est essentiel
- Donneurs recherchés : La collecte de sang et de plasma perturbée par les conditions météorologiques
- Donnez 3 en 2023 : la Société canadienne du sang invite la population à sauver des vies dès maintenant et pendant les fêtes
- Donnez de la joie : vos dons de sang ou de plasma permettront à des familles de célébrer les fêtes ensemble
- Donor eligibility revisited
- Don’t wait to be affected to give back, says two-time leukemia survivor and blood, platelet and cord blood recipient
- Dr. Graham Sher elected president of the AABB
- Duty of care to dying patient is first priority
- Déclaration de la Société canadienne du sang concernant les problèmes relevés dans une banque privée de sang de cordon de l’Alberta
- Déclaration de la Société canadienne du sang sur la rémunération ou non des dons de plasma
- Déclaration sur le Mois de la fierté
- Décès de Verna Skanes, ancienne présidente du conseil d’administration
- Garantir l’accès aux immunoglobulines au Canada
- Give Someone like Lauren a Holiday Miracle
- Hommage aux loyaux donneurs pendant la Semaine nationale du don de sang, du 13 au 19 juin
- It's now Dr. Hollins
- Join Canada’s Lifeline During the Season of Giving
- Kilimanjaro Climbers Hope to ‘Move Mountains’ for Stem Cell Patients
- L'incroyable pouvoir de la greffe amène des athlètes à Ottawa pour les 10e Jeux canadiens des greffés
- L'éducation, c’est vital : 25 ans de sensibilisation au don d'organes
- La Société canadienne du sang accueille sa nouvelle directrice financière, Jennifer Camelon
- La Société canadienne du sang et la résolution de la Ville de Hamilton de se désigner « zone sans plasma payé »
- La Société canadienne du sang fait la lumière sur les besoins en nouveaux donneurs et appelle les Canadiens à briller par leurs actions
- La Société canadienne du sang lance la campagne #NouvelleÉcosseForte (14-31 août)
- La Société canadienne du sang présente ses excuses à la communauté 2SLGBTQIA+
- La Société canadienne du sang salue le juge Horace Krever
- La Société canadienne du sang s’associe au ministère de la Défense nationale et à Anciens Combattants Canada pour aider les soldats sur les champs de bataille
- La Société canadienne du sang éliminera le critère d’admissibilité visant spécifiquement les hommes ayant des rapports sexuels avec d’autres hommes
- La forte demande de produits sanguins pourrait entraîner l’érosion des réserves nationales
- Le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs s’achève, alors que la mission de la Société canadienne du sang en matière de diversité, d’équité et d’inclusion ne fait que commencer
- Le besoin pressant de donneurs de sang se poursuit pendant la période des Fêtes
- Le manque de donneurs a des répercussions sur les réserves de sang
- Le monde se rassemble pour célébrer la vie
- Le nombre de donneurs a chuté de façon vertigineuse pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 pour atteindre son niveau le plus bas en 10 ans
- Le point sur notre démarche pour créer un système du sang plus inclusif
- Les donneurs de sang, une source d’information importante pour la préparation aux futures pandémies
- Local Blood Donors, Volunteers and Partner Groups receive National Honours from Canadian Blood Services
- Media Statement - Ottawa bus and train accident
- Mille des personnes les plus difficiles à jumeler ont reçu un rein grâce à un programme interprovincial d’échange de reins
- National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week 2016
- New directors appointed to Canadian Blood Services board
- Notre feuille de route pour la réconciliation avec les peuples et les communautés autochtones
- Nous devons augmenter les réserves de sang au Canada cet été en raison d’une forte augmentation de la demande
- Nouvelle subvention fédérale pour soutenir la recherche de thérapies cellulaires contre le cancer
- Nouvelles ressources en ligne pour sensibiliser les gens à l’importance du don de cellules souches
- One country, one strategy: how harmonizing Canada’s vaccination approach could better prepare us for the next pandemic
- Opération de maintenance planifiée le dimanche 10 décembre 2023
- Organ recipients like Stephanie Jolink encourage Canadians to register their intent
- Ouverture de trois autres centres de donneurs de plasma
- Ouverture d’un nouveau centre de donneurs à Scarborough d’ici l’été 2022
- Panne généralisée chez Rogers : chaque don de sang compte
- Plainte au Tribunal des droits de la personne : la Société canadienne du sang conclut un accord
- Plan d’action pour sécuriser l’approvisionnement en immunoglobulines pour les patients au Canada
- Plasma et la chaîne d’approvisionnement en sang
- Pour aider les patients ayant contracté Omicron, nous avons besoin de donneurs
- Pour la Journée du chandail vert, discutez du don d’organes avec votre famille
- Prochaine étape pour l’augmentation de la collecte de plasma au Canada pour la fabrication d’immunoglobulines
- Reprise de la collecte du sang de cordon à Vancouver
- Reprise de la mise en banque de sang de cordon le 17 octobre
- Researchers find unexpected association between younger donor age, female sex and transfusion outcomes
- Retour à la normale de notre réseau informatique
- Réponse à l'intérêt du public pour nos activités liées au plasma
- Réponse à la modification de l’admissibilité au don de sang au Royaume-Uni
- Sauver des vies au Canada et ailleurs avec la Banque de sang de cordon de la Société canadienne du sang
- Sondage : seulement 1 personne sur 10 compte donner du sang ou du plasma pendant la période des fêtes. Pourtant, les besoins sont pressants.
- Third annual Green Shirt Day in honour of Humboldt Broncos defenseman Logan Boulet encourages organ donation registration
- Tous unis pour aider les patients pendant la vague Omicron
- Trois nouveaux administrateurs et un nouveau président pour le CA de la Société canadienne du sang
- Une nouvelle administratrice au conseil d’administration de la Société canadienne du sang
- Urgent besoin de dons de sang et de plasma pour aider le fournisseur national à surmonter les événements sans précédent de l’été
- À l’occasion de la Semaine nationale du don de sang, les patients rendent honneur aux donneurs qui leur sauvent la vie
- Élargissement des critères d’admissibilité au don de plasma aux hommes gais, bisexuels et autres hommes ayant des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes (HARSAH)
- Évolution des critères d’admissibilité des HARSAH
- ‘Acts of kindness to repair the world’: Canadian Blood Services remembers Dr. Elianna Saidenberg
- Ad placed in error
Salle de presse
- Licences et inspections
Pratique transfusionnelle
- Utilisation du sang et gestion des transfusions
- HémoStats
- Réactions indésirables chez les patients
Concentré de recherche
- Whole blood: longer holding times before leukoreduction may be a safe to explore option
- L’administration d’albumine par voie intraveineuse ne conduit pas à de meilleurs résultats chez les personnes subissant des opérations cardiaques
- A, B, O... ou K? Faut-il aller au-delà de la compatibilité ABO dans le choix du sang à transfuser aux jeunes femmes?
- Adoucir les transfusions aux nourrissons
- Amélioration des résultats pour les patients présentant des troubles auto-immuns de la fonction plaquettaire
- Cellules tueuses naturelles : quand les cellules perdent le nord!
- Comment les Forces d’opérations spéciales peuvent-elles obtenir des produits sanguins de qualité pour leur personnel militaire?
- Comment se comportent les bactéries lors de la fabrication des plaquettes?
- Coupures sélectives : dégradation des plaquettes lors de leur entreposage
- Devrait-on privilégier la transfusion de plaquettes sélectionnées par typage HLA?
- Devrait-on privilégier la transfusion de plaquettes sélectionnées par typage HLA?
- Doubler le délai de 30 minutes établi sans compromettre la qualité et l’innocuité des globules rouges
- Dépistage d’agents pathogènes : la modélisation du risque au service de la sécurité de l’approvisionnement en sang
- Exploration de données 2 : lien entre les caractéristiques des donneurs et les résultats des transfusions
- Exploration de données : creusons pour mieux comprendre les résultats des thérapies transfusionnelles
- Fibronectine plasmatique : maintenir l'équilibre délicat entre saignement et coagulation
- Fighting inflammation with inflammation
- Important rôle de la GPIbα, une protéine plaquettaire, dans la régulation de la production hépatique de thrombopoïétine
- Irradiation des globules rouges : un changement s’impose
- La présence de résidus de plasma favorise l’adhérence des bactéries à la paroi des poches utilisées pour les concentrés de plaquettes
- La sécrétion de cellules immunitaires peut protéger les patients contre le syndrome respiratoire post-transfusionnel
- Le nombre fait la force : amélioration des résultats des greffes de cellules souches
- Le plasma de convalescents est un traitement inefficace pour les patients atteints de la COVID19
- Les IgIV injectent une dose d’espoir dans le traitement du TRALI
- Les plaquettes sont des cellules immunitaires!
- L’immunocamouflage au service des greffés et des transplantés
- L’inactivation des agents pathogènes pour des transfusions sanguines plus sécuritaires : quelles sont les limites?
- L’union fait la force : des mélanges d’anticorps monoclonaux pour une meilleure efficacité thérapeutique
- Mais où va le sang? Analysons la consommation des concentrés de globules rouges pour l’établissement des politiques
- Mise au point d’un nouveau médicament amélioré pour dissoudre les caillots sanguins
- One in a million: Modelling rare blood flow
- Optimisation du test MMA (monocyte monolayer assay)
- Où l’on optimise un test de laboratoire pour déterminer la compatibilité entre donneurs et receveurs
- Piratage : le rôle révélé des plaquettes dans les infections par le virus de la dengue
- Plaquettes ou vaisseaux sanguins : quelle est la cause des hémorragies chez les fœtus et les nouveau-nés souffrant de thrombopénie alloimmune?
- Plasma : c’est dans la poche
- Protégeons notre source de vie : la carence en fer chez les donneurs de sang canadiens
- Quel est le risque de transmission d’une infection par transfusion?
- Quel est l’impact du regroupement des services de production et de distribution des produits sanguins sur l’approvisionnement des hôpitaux?
- Quelle est l’utilité de l’épreuve de compatibilité croisée lors de la sélection de plaquettes?
- Risk of HIV did not change with expanding eligibility criteria for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men
- Résistance aux désinfectants des biofilms bactériens
- Rôle du groupe sanguin dans le déclenchement d’une hémolyse après l’administration d’immunoglobulines
- Saignement pendant la chirurgie cardiaque : le concentré de complexe prothrombique est-il une solution de rechange au plasma?
- Sang âgé ou sang frais : la durée de conservation du sang n’a aucune incidence sur la qualité des transfusions
- Suggestion concernant le mécanisme en jeu dans la thrombocytopénie thrombotique induite par le vaccin
- Traitement du purpura thrombopénique immunologique : création d’un anticorps monovalent
- Traitement périopératoire des patients atteints de thrombocytopénie immunitaire : comparaison de l’eltrombopag et des immunoglobulines intraveineuses
- Transfusion de culots globulaires : lien entre la non-concordance des sexes et la mortalité
- Transfusion de plaquettes chez les enfants atteints de cancer
- Treatment and detection of vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT)
- Troubles hémorragiques : découverte d’un nouveau marqueur diagnostique et d’un nouveau traitements for bleeding disorder
- Un modèle de changement : prédiction de l’impact d’améliorations à l’échelle du système
- Une façon nouvelle d’évaluer la qualité des globules rouges
- Utilisation de l’immunocamouflage pour tromper le système immunitaire
- Vers une uniformisation des politiques d’exclusion du don de sang et de plasma
- À la douche! Amélioration du lavage des globules rouges
- À la recherche de poches de sang plus sûres pour la transfusion en pédiatrie
- Étude en faveur d’un changement de la réglementation relative à l’entreposage du plasma surnageant de cryoprécipité
- Évaluation de la sécurité des pompes à perfusion pour les transfusions de globules rouges
- A more accurate and efficient way to manage blood demand and supply
- Professional Education
- Programme de sang rare
- Documentation du Registre de donneurs de cellules souches
- Plaquettes HLA/HPA spécifiques
- Contact us
- Nos activités
Comprendre la recherche
- Nos rapports d’impact
- Our Reports
Research. Education. Discovery.
- Whole blood for transfusion: development work supports operational feasibility
- 'Vital Bonds' follows real-life stories of organ donation in Canada
- 1,000 kidney transplants for Canadian patients!
- 12th Earl W. Davie Symposium: a focus on the next-generation of blood researchers
- 12th annual Norman Bethune Symposium showcases breadth of ongoing research
- 2020 Surveillance Report shows blood supply remained above target in first year of pandemic
- 2020-2021 annual progress report – A year marked by agility, collaboration, innovation, and excellence
- 2021 Lifetime Achievement Awards recognize eminent Canadian researchers
- 2021-2022 lay writing competition - submit your “science behind the scenes” stories!
- 2022 CBR summer students tour the netCAD Blood4Research facility
- 20th anniversary celebration at the Centre for Blood Research (CBR): commemorating two decades of historical milestones and outstanding achievements
- 50 ways to learn more about Centre for Innovation supported research
- A Place for Legal Scholarship in Organ Donation and Transplantation: My experiences under the James Kreppner Fellowship
- A Q&A with Dr. David Allan
- A Q&A with PhD candidate Ruqayyah Almizraq
- A QUEST for answers about albumin use in cardiac care
- A look back on Centre for Innovation progress in 2016-2017
- A miraculous gift, ready and waiting
- A mission to Mars caps off summer at the Centre for Blood Research
- A primer on platelets
- A spotlight interview with Dr. Sally Thomas of the Australian Red Cross Blood Service
- A spotlight on summer student research
- A summary of recent discoveries advancing the understanding and treatment of hemophilia
- A transplant journey: Meet Centre for Innovation's Everad Tilokee
- All blood is not the same
- And the award goes to…
- Announcing the winners of the Research 180 Video Competition
- Annual progress report highlights the Centre for Innovation’s impactful research, development, education and training
- Another great success for annual educational transfusion medicine symposium
- Are you tapped into all the research and education news?
- Award goes to Alana Cattapan
- BEST presidency a full-circle moment for chief scientist Dr. Dana Devine
- Battlefield blood drops – getting blood farther forward as safely as possible
- Better Now: A Q&A with Dr. Graham Sher on Dr. Danielle Martin's six big ideas to improve health care for Canadians
- Better support for families of organ donors – 20 suggestions for improvement
- Beyond matching ABO and Rh: Rare blood challenges and international cooperation
- Blood Efficiency Accelerator Award Program helping team establish national best practices for out-of-hospital transfusions
- Blood and Guts: Management of the GI Bleed
- Blood groups beyond A, B and O: what are they and do they matter?
- Blood on the Move
- Blood type hype
- BloodTechNet supports educational laboratory rotation for transplant and transfusion ‘matchmakers’
- BloodTechNet’s support of educational rotation helps lab adopt new technology
- Bringing best practices in organ donation and transplantation to Beijing
- CBR Research Day 2022: A day to celebrate summer student research
- CBR Research Day 2023: Celebrating our summer students!
- CBR Travel Awards: Attending the ISTH 2022 Congress
- CSTM 2022: A return to in-person networking & presentations
- CSTM 2023: Reflections from Canadian Blood Services research and physician trainees in transfusion medicine
- CSTM 2024: Reflections from Canadian Blood Services trainees, part 1
- CSTM 2024: Reflections from Canadian Blood Services trainees, part 2
- Calculating impacts of change
- Canadian Blood Services Research Ethics Board seeks new Volunteer Researcher Member
- Canadian Blood Services announces new Dana Devine Award
- Canadian Blood Services chief scientist inaugurated as AABB President
- Canadian Blood Services discovery research lab contributes to new knowledge on neutrophils
- Canadian Blood Services receives Omandt Solandt Award
- Canadian Blood Services research collaborate with BEST to understand how donor age impacts red blood cell quality
- Canadian Blood Services researcher studies potential treatment for sickle cell disease
- Canadian Blood Services social scientists attend ISBT 2023
- Canadian Blood Services supporting global efforts in Transfusion Medicine education
- Canadian Blood Services supports development of updated clinical guideline on transfusion for hemoglobinopathies
- Canadian Blood Services’ scientist recognized for his mentorship of graduate students
- Canadian Critical Care Forum – Deceased Donation Scientific Symposium 2018
- Canadian Society for Transfusion Medicine awards recognize the invaluable contributions of members of the transfusion medicine community
- Canadian ingenuity enhances tool used to estimate patient access to life-saving transplants
- Canadian transfusion community converges in Ottawa for annual meeting
- Celebrating 30 years of memories thanks to an organ donor
- Celebrating an organ donation milestone
- Celebrating innovation at CSTM 2017
- Celebrating young researchers: A look back at CBR Research Day 2024
- Centre for Blood Research PhD Candidate earns Killam Award for his work engineering platelets for improved bleeding control
- Centre for Blood Research summer students visit Canadian Blood Services
- Challenging the 30-minute rule for red blood cells (video)
- Choosing Wisely Canada's transfusion recommendations find a new outlet via BloodTechNet
- Clinical Guide to Transfusion co-editor passes the reigns after 20 years
- Collaboration provides new learning opportunity for Canadian transfusion community
- Connect with Canadian Blood Services’ research and education network at our national transfusion conference!
- Cord blood for research program
- Cord blood matters – take time to learn more
- Countdown to CSTM 2024: A return to the “City of Bridges”
- Countdown to CSTM 2024: A unique venue for ideas & reconnection
- Countdown to CSTM 2024: Bringing research to life
- Creating platelets 2.0: stronger, faster, and with twice the life-saving power
- Critical Care Canada Forum 2018
- Crossing the Atlantic for ISBT 2017
- Curiosity on Stage – getting up close and personal with a real live scientist
- Data dig uncovers associations between donor characteristics and patient outcomes
- Deceased donation in the spotlight at Critical Care Canada Forum 2017
- Developing safer drugs for heart attack and stroke patients
- Diving into the deep end: My experiences as a new hire at Canadian Blood Services' Research Day
- Do you suffer from FOMO?
- Donation policy and studies group at CSTM 2022
- Dr. Alvin Zipursky devoted his career to eradicating Rh disease
- Dr. Chantale Pambrun explains the importance of iron wellness
- Dr. Jeannie Callum describes delivery of blood transfusions with pit-stop precision in new video
- Dr. Lawrence Bruce Robertson and blood transfusion in the trenches of World War I
- Dr. Peter Nickerson awarded Kidney Foundation Medal for Research Excellence
- Driving excellence: The Centre for Blood Research and Canadian Blood Services renew collaboration to advance blood science education and training
- Earl W. Davie Symposium - Eleven years and counting
- Earl W. Davie Symposium 2021 – a welcome return to in-person for some
- Earl W. Davie Symposium 2023: Seventeen years of connecting through science sharing
- Emerging Artificial Intelligence Methods to Assess Transfusion Quality
- Encouraging meaningful careers in STEM – Part 1
- Encouraging meaningful careers in STEM – Part 2
- Expand your knowledge with professional education
- Expert guidance seeks to improve identification of potential organ donors
- Exploring barriers and enablers to more inclusive source plasma donations
- Extending the reach of research one ResearchUnit at a time
- Ferritin findings: investigating iron and impacts on donors
- Forecasting red blood cell demand: Improving ordering strategies in hospital blood banks
- Funded research provides evidence needed to evolve eligibility criteria for men who have sex with men
- Funding opportunities currently open
- Funding research to improve utilization: Blood Efficiency Accelerator Award Program
- Graduate Fellowship Program: fostering the future of transfusion science research
- Graduate fellow, Cindy Tong, heads to Taiwan on a CIHR Travel Program Award
- Grow your lab science toolkit with The Objective Lens podcast
- Help guide research at Canadian Blood Services: Research Ethics Board seeks new member
- Helping put the science fact in science fiction
- Hemochromatosis and why blood loss can be a beneficial form of therapy
- Highlights from our partners: Thrombomodulin: Old protein with new functions and hope
- Highlights from the Transplant Summit 2018
- Highlights from the conference circuit 2016 - Part 1
- Highlights from the conference circuit 2016 - Part 2
- Highly ranked transfusion-related research projects get greenlight
- Hijacked! Research reveals the takeover of blood platelets by dengue virus
- Honouring a courageous blood safety advocate 20 years after the Krever Commission
- How it’s made matters: Manufacturing method linked to cellular damage in red blood cells
- ISBT is coming to town
- Improving red blood cell inventory to support patients with sickle cell disease
- In Memory of Dr. Celso Bianco
- In the news: UBC research brings us one step closer to universal blood
- Integrating research and development into the Canadian blood system
- Interactive lab tour helps undergraduate students learn from Canadian Blood Services senior scientist and team
- International Consensus Conference on Patient Blood Management - April 24-25, 2018
- International collaboration on the cusp of delivering a new, more precise way to type blood
- International effort leads to better clinical guidelines for a serious illness affecting fetuses and newborns
- International experts seek safest treatment for FNAIT
- International meeting sets research agenda for changing eligibility for MSM blood donors
- International researchers collaborate to understand trends in blood product use
- International team concludes convalescent plasma is not effective for treating COVID-19
- Introducing our Research Ethics Board Chair!
- Investigating envelope viruses: Tissue factor clotting research earns a first-ranked CIHR Project Grant
- Investigating the impact of age and diabetic status on blood product characteristics
- Iron deficiency in pregnancy – a matter of public health
- It’s still in you to give: donating blood for research in Vancouver
- Join Canadian Blood Services and the Fitzpatrick family in November
- Kidney Paired Donation – powerful program reaches significant milestone
- Lay Science Writing Competition Winner: What does it take to make a life-saving drug?
- Lay Science Writing Competition runner up: The greatest tool in research
- Lessons from afar: International experts share lessons learned about organ donation
- Lifetime Achievement Award 2024 Criteria
- Looking back on 2016: A year of research, education and discovery
- Looking back on 2017: Our top-five most-read stories
- Looking back on 2017: Research highlights
- Looking back on 2018: Top-five stories
- Looking back to look forward: Bethune’s legacy of innovation celebrated at the 2018 Norman Bethune Symposium
- Lots to celebrate as ISBT comes to Toronto |
- MSM Research Grant Program launches second funding competition
- Making decisions the right way – a global endeavour – Part 1
- Making decisions the right way – a global endeavour – Part 2
- Meet Canada's Blood-Typing Pioneers
- Meet the Director: Dr. Chantale Pambrun
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Ed Pryzdial |
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Jason Acker |
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Alan Lazarus
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Edward M. Conway
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Elisabeth Maurer
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Heyu Ni
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Jelena Holovati
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. John Blake
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Mel Krajden
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Michael Sutherland
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Nicholas Pineault
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. Sandra Ramirez-Arcos
- Meet the Researcher: Dr. William Sheffield
- Meet the researcher: Dr. Donald Branch
- Meet the researcher: Dr. Mark Scott
- Microbiology lab reflects on 20 years of advancing knowledge and providing evidence to improve blood component safety
- Missed organ donor identification and referral causes preventable harm: new study estimates annual missed transplants in Canada
- Mission-driven research – a uniquely focused approach
- More is not always better!
- My own donation journey…
- Nancy Heddle – integrating expertise to make transfusion safer
- National organ sharing leads to 500 kidney transplants for highly sensitized patients
- Natural killers: when cells go wrong — New research reveals insights into causes of FNAIT
- New data report on eye and tissue banking in Canada
- New guidelines lead to life-saving organ donations that otherwise wouldn’t have happened
- New program to deliver advanced training for medical technologists
- New research suggests novel uses for a plasma-derived medication
- New way to check the quality of blood before opening the bag
- Nominations now open for the 2018 Canadian Blood Services Lifetime Achievement Award
- Nominations now open for the 2019 Canadian Blood Services Lifetime Achievement Award
- Nominations open for the Canadian Blood Services Lifetime Achievement Award 2022
- Nominations open for the Lifetime Achievement Award 2023
- Norman Bethune Symposium 2022 – trainee reports
- Not your average bank
- Number of patients on wait lists decrease for some organs as deceased donor numbers jump in Canada
- ORBCoN recaps the 18th Annual Transfusion Medicine Education Workshop and Symposium
- ORBCoN recaps the 19th Annual Transfusion Medicine Educational Symposium and Workshop
- One month left to enter the 2024 Lay Science Writing Competition!
- Open funding opportunities from Canadian Blood Services
- Opportunity: Health System Impact Fellowship Program
- Organ and tissue donation by those who choose medical assistance in dying: new guidance for professionals
- Our professional education website has a new look!
- Part 2: Lots to celebrate as ISBT comes to Toronto: Local Day
- Part 3: Lots to celebrate at ISBT: Research
- Part 4: Lots to celebrate as ISBT comes to Toronto: Transfusion Medicine Education
- Pathogen Inactivation – A Primer
- Pathogen-reduced platelets introduced
- Paving the way to improved transplantation and new therapeutics
- Physician trainee promotes uptake of patient blood management in new publication
- Platelets Unplugged: The Sticky Truth – An ICTMG/AABB podcast
- Postdoctoral Fellowship Program: enhancing expertise in transfusion and transplantation science
- Product resiliency
- Professional Education in transfusion and transplantation has brand new home
- Pushing the boundaries of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: Insights from cutting-edge pre-clinical research
- Queer identity and blood donation
- Raising awareness for living organ donation
- Rare blood: a program to ensure access to blood no matter how rare
- Reducing platelet wastage while on the move
- Research 180 Video Competition: Share your research story
- Research Unit: Exploring alternatives to fresh blood
- Research Unit: Modelling risk to ensure safety when considering changes to blood testing
- Research Unit: Understanding platelets to better treat patients
- Research Unit: What's in a bag of plasma?
- Research aims to close knowledge gaps on donor screening of men who have sex with men
- Research and education highlights: Innovation and Portfolio Management in 2021–22
- Research answers questions about infusion pumps’ effect on red blood cells
- Research associate claims prize in video competition for styling proteins with nano-sized scissors
- Research evidence helps support submission to change donor screening
- Research matters at Canadian Blood Services
- Research supports safety, feasibility of sexual behaviour-based screening
- Revisiting cold-stored platelets: An effort to improve patient care and storage feasibility
- Safe transfusions in the developing world
- Science Odyssey 2016
- Science Odyssey 2017: What's in your blood?
- Science behind the scenes: Lay Science Writing Competition winners announced
- Science writing behind the scenes
- Searching for safer red blood cell bags for pediatric recipients (Research Education Discovery)
- Senior scientist wins prestigious award for discovering a ‘gold standard’ reagent used in transfusion medicine
- Sepsis: The end is just the beginning
- Seroprevalence: How lifesaving blood donations can also help provide valuable public health insights during a pandemic
- Sharing the News: Science Communication for … Scientists
- Shining a light on platelet quality
- Sickle cell disease and the need for blood from African, Caribbean and Black communities
- Social media for knowledge translation – a BloodTechNet project
- Stealth blood cells: Fooling the immune system to make transfusion safer for hard-to-match patients
- Stem cell and chemo combination therapy yields MS breakthrough at The Ottawa Hospital
- Stories worth sharing - Meet the researcher: Dr. Peter Schubert
- Stories worth sharing: Blood clotting factor or clot buster?
- Student advocates, plasma donation and the pandemic
- Submit your bright idea to BloodTechNet
- Success stories: Recipients of the Canadian Blood Services Graduate Fellowship Program
- Suite of resources available to hospitals as pathogen-reduced platelet roll-out continues
- Summer internship focuses on strategies to increase diversity in the stem cell registry
- Supporting vital research through our Centre for Innovation
- Supporting vital research through our Centre for Innovation: Part 2
- The ABCs of ABO Blood Types
- The Importance of the Rinseback Procedure at Canadian Blood Services
- The Ottawa Hospital announces new CIHR research grant recipients
- The __Cs _f ___ _l__d Types
- The evolution of a donor deferral policy: where do we go from here?
- The things we do for safety – Battling bacteria (part II)
- The things we do for safety: Battling bacteria (part 1)
- The things we do for safety: Leukoreduction
- The value of qualitative research
- The wonder drug you’ve probably never heard of – yet
- Through the Microscope: monocyte monolayer assays
- Through the microscope: macrophage meets blood cell
- Time to learn: conference season is upon us
- Top 5 R.E.D. Blog posts of 2023
- Top 5 blog posts of 2022
- Trainees shine at the 2019 Norman Bethune Symposium
- Transplantation science has come a long way
- Treating iron deficiency with oral iron supplements: what is the best dosing frequency?
- UBC 3MT finalist calls for more science communication
- Understanding a rare clotting disorder associated with some COVID-19 vaccines
- Understanding the red cell antigen genotyping report: New online resources for healthcare professionals
- Understanding who is "most wanted" when it comes to stem cell and cord blood donors
- Unique fellowship brings academic expertise to an organizational challenge
- University of Alberta’s Timothy Caulfield receives James Kreppner Award
- Unleash your inner writer – Enter our first-ever lay science writing competition
- Unveiling the 2018 BloodTechNet awardees
- Unveiling trogocytosis: A breakthrough in understanding antibody-mediated immune suppression
- Updated resource for health-care professionals: massive hemorrhage and emergency transfusion
- Updated resources for transfusion professionals: hemostatic disorders and hereditary angioedema
- Updated resources for transfusion professionals: transfusion reactions
- Using prediction models to support transfusion practice
- Vancouver-based blood for research facility – a jewel in our Centre for Innovation
- Wartime Service and Canadian Transfusion Medicine
- Welcome to R.E.D.
- What's the risk of infection from a blood transfusion?
- What’s in the aliquot?
- Why do scientists use mice in medical research?
- Winning science research writers announced |
- Working today toward a better tomorrow |
- Writing Competition Winner: Optimizing Cord Blood Donor Recruitment
- Writing competition runner up: Phlebotomy to improve surgical outcomes and donor blood economy: a redemption story
- Years of research lead to promising stem cell trial at The Ottawa Hospital
- “Squeeze-ability” of a red blood cell: The deformability of red blood cells is a useful biomarker for storage quality
Our Research Summaries
Points saillants
- Amélioration des analyses bactériologiques comme moyen de légitimation de l’extension de la durée d’entreposage des produits plaquettaires offerts par la Société canadienne du sang
- Au-delà du changement
- Ce changement a permis de rationaliser le processus de collecte
- Development research leads to Canada’s first plasma reduced HPC unit
- Doubler le délai de 30 minutes
- La recherche au service des besoins en immunoglobulines
- Measles Serosurvey
- Nouveau procédé de lavage des globules rouges
- Optimisation de la qualité du sang de cordon
- Red cell irradiation – time for a change? Disponible en anglais seulement
- Une simulation de la consolidation
- Une étude valide les pratiques de transfusion en cours pour les nouveau-nés
Points saillants
- Financement de la recherche
Produits et services pour les chercheurs
- Demandes de mise à disposition de ressources non financières
Produits et ensembles de données
- Don de sang pour la recherche
- Demande de produits sanguins
- Projets bénéficiant du soutien du programme Blood4Research
- Don de sang de cordon ombilical pour la recherche
- Demande de sang de cordon
- Projets bénéficiant de sang de cordon pour la recherche
- Demande d’ensembles de données
- Demandes de protéines plasmatiques et de produits connexes
- Programme d’éthique de la recherche
- Recherche contractuelle et transfert de technologie
- Bonnes pratiques et développement professionnel
- La Société canadienne du sang suspend temporairement la collecte du sang dans certaines villes de l’Ontario, notamment à Ottawa et à Kingston
- Reprise des opérations au centre de production et de distribution de Concourse Gate à Ottawa
- Research dissemination resources
- Carrières
- Boutique