Prairies stampedes its way to another successful Corporate Challenge

Proud Partners

September saw the wrap up of another successful Calgary Corporate Blood Donor Challenge.  Each year, businesses in Calgary come through to support Canadian Blood Services as well as other partner charities.  This year’s challenge started in April and wrapped up in the first week of September with 109 companies participating. Thanks to the tremendous support of Corporate Challenge Partners we collected 4710 units of blood and have welcomed 323 new donors, who we hope will continue to give blood on a regular basis!

Congratulations to our winners in their respective divisions:

Blue Division Scovan Engineering 300% of pledge goal achieved
Orange Division City of Calgary 396 Units donated. Most Donations
Red Division MNP LLP 243% of pledge goal achieved
White Division GeoLOGIC Systems Ltd. 267% of pledge goal achieved
Green Division Entero Corporation 630% of pledge goal achieved
Purple Division Urban Systems Ltd. 164% of pledge goal achieved

Congratulations to all the winners and thank you for your support

