My Paired Donation Coach Canada
Welcome to My Paired Donation Coach Canada
My Paired Donation Coach Canada is a series of animated videos developed for patients, their friends and family, and potential donors to learn about the national Kidney Paired Donation program and how it may help some patients receive a kidney transplant.
Meet Tracy, your paired donation coach. Tracy explains the risks and benefits of kidney transplant, how the Kidney Paired Donation program works and helps viewers learn about options that may be available. She provides guidance on how to find a living donor and shares links to valuable resources.
Eleven video chapters make up My Paired Donation Coach (Canada). It takes about 30 minutes to complete. You can stop at any time and restart at a time that is convenient for you.
My Paired Donation Coach Canada is available with subtitles.
ਪੰਜਾਬੀ (Punjabi)
‘ਮਾਈ ਪੇਅਰਡ ਡੋਨੇਸ਼ਨ ਕੋਚ ਕੈਨੇਡਾ’ (My Paired Donation Coach Canada) [ਪੰਜਾਬੀ] ਉਪਸਿਰਲੇਖਾਂ ਨਾਲ ਉਪਲਬਧ ਹੈ। ਵੀਡੀਓ ਪਲੇਅਰ ਵਿੱਚ ਉਪ-ਸਿਰਲੇਖ/CC ਬਟਨ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਲਿੱਕ ਕਰੋ। ਇਹ ਉਪ-ਸਿਰਲੇਖ ਇੱਕ ਪੇਸ਼ੇਵਰ ਸੇਵਾ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਕੀਤੇ ਗਏ ਸਨ। ਜੇ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਅਨੁਵਾਦ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੋਈ ਸਮੱਸਿਆ ਜਾਂ ਗੜਬੜ ਨਜ਼ਰ ਆਉਂਦੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ’ਤੇ ਸੰਪਰਕ ਕਰਕੇ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਦੱਸੋ।
简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)
“我的加拿大肾脏配对捐赠顾问(My Paired Donation Coach Canada)” 提供[简体中文] 字幕。点击视频播放器中的字幕/CC按钮。这些字幕由专业服务人员翻译。如果您注意到翻译中的问题或错误,请发邮件至 ,告知我们。
繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)
“我的加拿大腎臟配對捐贈顧問(My Paired Donation Coach Canada)” 提供[繁體中文] 字幕。點擊視頻播放機中的字幕/CC按鈕。這些字幕由專業服務人員翻譯。如果您注意到翻譯中的問題或錯誤,請發郵件至 ,告知我們。
lengua española (Spanish)
My Paired Donation Coach Canada está disponible con subtítulos en español. Haga clic en el botón de subtítulos/CC en el reproductor de video. Los subtítulos se tradujeron con un servicio profesional. Si observa algún problema o error en la traducción, escriba a para comunicárnoslo.
عربى (Arabic)

اردو (Urdu)

My Paired Donation Coach Canada: Chapter summaries
Chapter 1: Introduction
Meet Tracy. Tracy will help you learn more about treatments for kidney failure and introduces you to what a potential donor is.
Chapter 2: Dialysis
Tracy talks about how dialysis works and explains the two main types of dialysis: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.
Chapter 3: Introducing living and deceased donor kidney transplants
Tracy explains the two types of donors, living and deceased, and the two types of living donation, directed donation and non-directed anonymous donation. Charlene and Rhonda tell their story of how Rhonda donated a kidney to Charlene.
Chapter 4: Introducing kidney paired donation
Tracy explains how kidney paired donation works and teaches you about compatible and incompatible pairs.
Chapter 5: Benefits of kidney paired donation
Tracy talks with Dr. Singh and Justin (a transplant recipient) about some of the benefits the Kidney Paired Donation program can offer patients and potential living kidney donors.
Chapter 6: Risks of kidney transplant and donation and kidney paired donation
Tracy and Dr. Singh discuss some of the possible medical risks of surgery for the kidney transplant recipient and the kidney donor, how people might feel about anonymous donation in the Kidney Paired Donation program, and how the donor’s kidney gets to the recipient.
Chapter 7: Timing for kidney paired donatino chains and costs for donation
Tracy talks with transplant coordinators, Cori and George, about how the Kidney Paired Donation program’s computer system matches potential donors and recipients. They also talk about possible expenses for the donor.
Chapter 8: How kidney paired donation works
Tracy talks with coordinators, donors and transplant recipients about the evaluation process and why a donor and recipient might not be compatible or a match.
Chapter 9: What’s right for me?
Tracy talks to people thinking about donating a kidney and patients with end stage kidney disease who are wondering if a transplant might be right for them. They discuss where to find more information and how to get started on their donation and transplant journeys. Knowing where you are in your journey can really help you plan a course of action and take the next step!
Chapter 10: Finding a living donor
Tracy provides some suggestions for how to start talking to people about living donation and how to let them know that you are looking for a donor.
Chapter 11: Conclusion and resources to learn more
Congratulations on completing the My Paired Donation Coach Canada program.
If you are interested in finding out more about the Canada’s Kidney Paired Donation program or living donation, please visit
To find a living donation program near you, please visit
To find out more about kidney paired donation, please visit
About My Paired Donation Coach video
My Paired Donation Coach video chapters contain educational information and does not provide medical advice. The information is not a substitute for diagnosis and treatment by a doctor, and does not replace a doctor’s independent judgment about the right care for you based on your specific clinical circumstances. For medical advice about your own situation, ask a health care professional.
My Transplant Coach Canada is part of an international collaboration among the following organizations:
- Canadian Blood Services is a non-profit charitable organization. Our role in Canada is to focus on life essentials for transfusion and transplantation, including blood, plasma, stem cells, and organs and tissues.
- UCLA Transplant Research and Education Center (TREC) designs and conducts research and educational interventions about kidney disease, transplant, and living donation. Visit
- Health Literacy Media (HLM) specializes in improving health literacy through clear communication trainings, plain language messaging and design, audience research, content development, and active interventions within underserved communities.
Canadian Blood Services' role in Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
Canadian Blood Services works with the Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation (OTDT) community to improve national system performance. We do this through the development of leading practices, professional education, public awareness and data analysis and reporting. We also manage clinical programs that support interprovincial sharing of organs.