Stories: Canadian Blood Services
Showing 1 - 10 of 414 results
Open letter to Canadians
April 17, 2018
Over the past several days, Canadians from across the country came together in grief following the tragic incident that took the lives of 16 people and injured 13 others.
Canadian Blood Services named a top health charity of the year
August 30, 2018
Canadian Blood Services is proud to be named by the Financial Post as one of the most accountable, transparent charities in the country.
Peel region comes together to learn about the lifesaving impact of stem cells
August 30, 2018
Community supporters and guests gathered at a special event on Feb. 27 to learn about Canadian Blood Services’ footprint in Peel Region, specifically the Canadian Blood Services’ Cord Blood Bank and the need for more stem cell donations.
Aary has received more than 100 blood transfusions as his search for a stem cell match continues
September 25, 2018
Aary and his family’s journey has been difficult, but it’s also hopeful, because hope is what financial support makes possible. We’re grateful to Aary’s mom Jenny for sharing his story with us, and hope that it inspires you as well
Syrians for Peace fundraiser gives thanks by giving back to Canadian patients
September 25, 2018
Members of Ottawa’s Syrian community presented a cheque for their recent fundraiser in support of Canadian Blood Services and made a group blood donation as part of Syrian Canadian Donation Day on April 14.
Mackenzie and Alexander
September 25, 2018
When she was a teenager, Mackenzie’s busy life was put on hold when she was diagnosed with a type of pre-leukemia that was quickly evolving into leukemia. She matched with Alexander, a stem cell donor who gave her a second chance at life.
2017 Gudbranson Celebrity Golf Classic raises $47,000
September 25, 2018
On June 19th, National Hockey League players and local businesses gathered in Ottawa to participate in the 2017 Gudbranson Celebrity Golf Classic—a fundraising event to help build Canadian Blood Services’ Cord Blood Bank.
Loyal blood donor shows there are many ways to give
September 25, 2018
This month, Larry Till made his 100th blood donation at his local blood collection centre in Toronto, surrounded by his favourite staff and sporting his lucky socks.
Baby born with only a fraction of the blood needed to survive celebrates his 7th birthday
September 25, 2018
Born 12 weeks early, Nicholas was tiny, frail and had a weak immune system. Read his story and find out how two blood transfusions helped him when he needed it most.
Young hockey player makes record-breaking recovery following liver transplant and blood transfusions
October 17, 2018
There’s nothing Brock loves more than playing hockey. Thanks to the generosity of blood and financial donors—and a gift from an incredible organ donor—he’s back on the ice with his teammates doing what he loves most.
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